StrobFREUD  (Civilization and Its Discontents)


Installation: Strobe, chains, drawing with graphite on a piece of rubber



Drawing of the original frontispiece of the Freud’s “Civilization and Its Discontents » combined with a strob light.

This book, essential understand the irrational violence which shook Europe in 20th century, is subjected to the strong white light of the strob, which makes it a cold analysis of a double-discontent: The discontent of the civilization that Freud studied in this book and the discontent of the failed reading of the book which could have guided the international political decisions of a civilisation subjected to the “death drive”.


StrobeFREUD 2014

Light installation

Drawing on "smelly" caoutchouc carpet.

The pencil drawing represents the original 1st presentation page of the Sigmund Freud book "Civilization and its discontents".













StrobeFREUD 2014














StrobeFREUD 2014













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